Speaking to oneself, an excellent habit

Are you one of the people talking to each other aloud? Rest assured: Far from being a sign of dementia, speaking to oneself is actually an excellent habit, as good for health as the brain.Fork & Bikini tells us more

Speaking to yourself: a very frequent reflexSure: when you're in a shop or at work and you hear someone next to you saying "where are the juices in this shelf?" Or "to whom I lent My stapler already? "It always makes us a little weird. Because in the majority of cases, when we speak out loud, it is to address someone ... other than ourselves! And yet, according to researchers, everybody tends to talk to oneself, every day, at frequencies more or less regular.For Ethan Kross, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, speaking out loud is the result of an unconscious need to distance oneself: when one utters a sentence aloud, it is in order to come to consider what one Said more objectively.A habit that would prove to be very healthy, and often salutary to take distance and retreat in certain situations!The benefits of talking to each other aloneEven if our bus neighbors or passers-by on the street look at us with a sly eye when talking on their own, self-directed speech has many advantages. It allows:1. Learn more easily. A phenomenon that explains why children are more likely than adults to talk to themselves. When they learn a new task (making their laces for example), reciting the different stages one by one allows them to better assimilate them and reproduce them better.2. Encourage better. According to experts in psychology, it is no coincidence that in the face of an obstacle one is more likely to say "you can do it" aloud than "I can do it" in silence. In doing so, we act as if it were a third party encouraging us, and we feel more willing to listen!3. To exteriorize his anxieties and calm them down. Indeed, according to psychotherapists, when one feels a little lost and overwhelmed by events, speaking aloud is a good way to put things flat, to structure our thinking, to put a word on our anxieties for Help us to tame and control them.4. To find objects more easily. Scientific studies have shown that when you lose your keys or you're looking for carrot juice in the supermarket, saying "keys, keys, keys" (or "carrot juice" , Carrot juice "!) Will accelerate our ability to locate them and get their hands on it faster

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