Our tips to relieve the itching of the skull

The head tingle, burns, scratches. These itchy skulls, very common, are also very uncomfortable. Their origins are multiple but there are simple solutions to treat them and get quick relief.Why does it scratch?

The origins of itching at the level of the skull can be many. They result, albeit always, from a hypersensitivity of the epidermis of the scalp. Psoriasis or eczema may be involved, the scalp is very red, it desquamates and dry aggregates are often observed. Besides these two pathologies, a sensitivity of the scalp can also result from an imbalance in the production of sebum that will irritate the skin.Stress, fatigue, pollution or hormonal imbalance are aggravating factors. There are also two kinds of film: dried, very white film that falls like snow, and greasy films that are bigger and are agglomerated on the skull because of the excess of sebum. The treatment will obviously depend on the type of dandruff.Treat the cause of itchingOnly a dermatologist can advise an effective treatment against seborrheic eczema or psoriasis. The scalp manifestations are usually only one symptom among others of these diseases and are the sign of globally sensitive skin.For the treatment of dandruff, there are suitable shampoos which generally allow to settle the problem fairly quickly. Whatever the type of dandruff, it is necessary to begin by massaging the skull to activate the blood circulation and to eliminate the dander. It is also possible to use natural products, in particular by mixing a few drops of essential oils with a mild shampoo. The most effective are: juniper, tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender or rosemary. Rosemary, known to be antifungal and antimicrobial, can also be used as a decoction for a rinse after shampooing.Practical advice on a daily basis to avoid itchingDo not use the hair dryer at maximum heatDo not wash your hair every dayRinse hair in warm, not warm waterUse a mild shampooIn summer, think about protecting your hair and skull from the sun, just as the skinReduce the use of chemicals, particularly in coloring or lacqueringLimiting blow-dryingDo not tie the hair too tightly and too long to let the scalp breathe

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