Jenaye Noah in love: she poses for the first time with her famous boyfriend

Jenaye Noah in love

In the Noah clan, we knew father Yannick, the son, Joakim, famous basketball player in the NBA and, for several months, Jenaye. This lovely brunette, born of the loves of the tennis-singer with the supermodel Heather Stewart-White, has become model in her turn. Last January, she parade for Jean Paul Gaultier, alongside another famous daughter of, Ilona Smet, and benefits from the advice of her relatives to face her fledgling celebrity. Two months ago, it made vibrate the Croisette by climbing for the first time the marches at the Festival of Cannes.For several months, Jenaye Noah has been perfectly in love with Luc Abalo, a 32-year-old professional handball player on the PSG team. After having declared their flame on their respective Instagram accounts, they have for the first time posed together. On this picture published on the account of the beautiful one, discovering them posing on rocks in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, where the Noah clan is available for a few days of holidays. And the photographer is none other than Joalukas, the son of Yannick Noah and Isabelle Camus, aged 13. The proof that the young man has already been adopted by all.A story that sounds like "an obvious", had recognized the sportsman in the columns of Paris Match. "We quickly appreciated. From the start, I was surprised at the conversations we had. We have much less common! Art is one. And the love of sport (and sportsmen), another

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